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Detox Detox Detox


Hozzájárul a máj, vese, érrendszer egészségének megőrzéséhez, a normál koleszterin szintjének fenntartásához. Segíti a szervezet öntisztító folyamatát. Természetes vitaminokat és jótékony baktériumokat tartalmazó készítmény a bélflóra támogatásáért. Ár: 49600 Ft/Doboz/ 365 db

A termékhez ingyenes konzultációt biztosítunk!

Közvetlenül hívható telefonszám:

  + 36 20/4290454


During our everyday life the load of chemicals on our body is increasing. Therefore, it is really important to support the liver, so the part of our body which plays important role in checking and breaking down nutrients, and which is responsible for building the nutrients into the body and for filtering harmful materials. Milk thistle may help to maintain the liver function and can additionally promote the digestion and the body´s purification. Due to the content of many useful active ingredients, such as organic- and phenolic acids, from which the most important is the cynarin, artichoke leaves may support on detoxification and the digestive juice flow. It could help maintain a healthy liver and contribute to intestinal comfort. The appropriate amount of the glutathione delays the oxidative damage in tissues and cells, protects the tissues, cells, protect you from radicals. Piper nigrum’s fruit may support appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients. It could help to digest toxins, to cleanse the liver and support its function by promoting blood circulation through the fine blood vessels and capillaries. It could increase the effectiveness of other herbal ingredients. It may help in body weight control.


For further information and discounts, please feel free to contact us by email or provide your name and phone number and we call you back.

Drávuczné Mátrai Andrea
Tóth Barbara

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