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Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulated
Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulated Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulátum Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulated

Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulátum

A fejlődő szervezet számára biztosítja a szükséges vitaminellátást, segíti az immunrendszer normál működését. Természetes vitaminokat és jótékony baktériumokat tartalmazó készítmény a bélflóra támogatásáért. Ár: 42700 Ft/Doboz/200 db

A termékhez ingyenes konzultációt biztosítunk!

Közvetlenül hívható telefonszám:

  + 36 20/4290454

Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulated

As an innovation we have completed our family of granules with a limited edition product. We have developed a brand new, cocoa taste to make the vitamin consumption even more enjoyable for those who are the most important for us, for our children. Regarding the vitamin and mineral content we insisted on the foregoing proven content of the OYP Kid’s Multivitamin. We supplemented these not with the microflora strains known from our One Year Products but with the specially selected microflora strains distinguished by NICS prefix in their name to ensure the possibility by consuming alternately or combined to support the body with 11 different type of microflora strains. There are 200 individual packages in one box, which means that the portions for each day are packaged separately into hermetically closed moisture-tight sackets. This way you can easily take your children’s daily dietary-supplements with you for example when you are on vacation. It is the best way to keep it hygenic. The sackets do not take up much space and you can not damage them by taking out of the box. Only by pouring the granules into your children’s mouth you have provided them their daily needs of vitamins and minerals.

Cocoa KID's Multivitamin Granulated

For further information and discounts, please feel free to contact us by email or provide your name and phone number and we call you back.

Drávuczné Mátrai Andrea
Tóth Barbara

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