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Cocoa Blend Diet Shake
Cocoa Blend Diet Shake Cocoa Blend Diet Shake Cocoa Blend Diet Shake

Cocoa Blend Diet Shake

Természetes összetevőivel segít a fogyni vágyók számára az ideális testsúly elérésében és az izmok megtartásában, növekedésében. Természetes vitaminokat és jótékony baktériumokat tartalmazó készítmény a bélflóra támogatásáért. Ár:28100 Ft/Doboz/ 20 tasak

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Közvetlenül hívható telefonszám:

  + 36 20/4290454

Cocoa Blend Diet Shake

Cocoa Blend Diet Shake is a cocoa-flavoured product, which contains 200 sachets and consists of 21 components. The Shake contains proteins, fibres, carbohydrates and fats; each package contains 3,5 billion good bacteria, 112 kilocalories, and 100% natural ingredients. Regarding proteins the product contains whey protein, which is one of the highest quality proteins. The fibre called Inulin increases the reproduction of the microflora (probiotics). The other fibre, glucomannan helps weight-loss with a reduced-calorie diet. From carbohydrates, the product contains coconut blossom sugar and fructose, which give the pleasant sweet taste of the shake. In order to have a perfect chocolate taste coconut blossom sugar and fructose were combined with Dutch cocoa, avoiding the usage of any artificial aromas. Every sachet contains 500 IU vitamin D which is 25% of our daily intake. Vitamin A, B2, B6, B7, B9, B12, E and K2 supply 50% of the recommended daily need. It means, that by consuming 2 sachets from the Cocoa Blend Diet Shake 100% of the daily vitamin requirements can be fulfilled. Collagen helps support the elasticity of the connective tissues.

Cocoa Blend Diet Shake

For further information and discounts, please feel free to contact us by email or provide your name and phone number and we call you back.

Drávuczné Mátrai Andrea
Tóth Barbara

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