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Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto Szabalpálma Saw Palmetto


Hatékony a különböző prosztata problémákkal szemben, erős gyulladáscsökkentő hatással bír. Természetes vitaminokat és jótékony baktériumokat tartalmazó készítmény a bélflóra támogatásáért. Ár: 39100 Ft/Doboz/365 db

A termékhez ingyenes konzultációt biztosítunk!

Közvetlenül hívható telefonszám:

  + 36 20/4290454

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a capsule format product developed for especially men. It is native in Northern-America, but its real value was discovered in Europe. Nowadays its black colour dried berries and its extract are commonly used. One capsule contains 320 mg saw-palmetto extract. The motherland of pumpkin seed is also America, which has a significant vitamin and mineral content. The medicinal utilization of nettle dates back hundreds of years. It was used as a diuretic and as a cure for complaints of kidney. The dietary supplement contains 50 mg pumpkin seed and 50 mg nettle.

Saw Palmetto

For further information and discounts, please feel free to contact us by email or provide your name and phone number and we call you back.

Drávuczné Mátrai Andrea
Tóth Barbara

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68 (Andrea Drávuczné Mátrai)