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Trace Elements with Collagen
Trace Elements with Collagen Nyomelemek kollagénnel +Probiotikum + Prebiotikum Trace Elements with Collagen

Nyomelemek kollagénnel +Probiotikum + Prebiotikum

Gyulladáscsökkentő hatása mellett támogatja a bőr egészségét, erősíti az ízületeket, csontokat. Természetes vitaminokat és jótékony baktériumokat tartalmazó készítmény a bélflóra támogatásáért. Ár:47100Ft/Doboz/365db

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Közvetlenül hívható telefonszám:

  + 36 20/4290454

Trace Elements with Collagen

Trace elements is produced in capsule format, containing 21 components. One of its basic ingredients is Collagen, which is an important building material of bones, cartilages, tendons, ligaments and the skin. The most important natural sources of collagen are poultry, fish and mushroom. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known vitamins which contributes to the normal operation of the immune system. Iron plays an important role in the normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin, the maintenance of mental health, the reduction of fatigue and oxygen transport. Zinc has a significant role in the maintenance of the normal immune system. Among other things it takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, macronutrients, fatty acids and Vitamin A. Selenium contributes to the maintenance of healthy nail and hair and assists with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and immune system. Vitamin E helps the protection of cells against oxidative stress, as well as manganese which also plays an important role in energy-producing metabolic processes and the maintenance of healthy bone structure. The dietary supplement also contains Boron, Copper, Cobalt, Vitamin B9, Vanadium and Molybdenum.

Trace Elements with Collagen

For further information and discounts, please feel free to contact us by email or provide your name and phone number and we call you back.

Drávuczné Mátrai Andrea
Tóth Barbara

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